When you get your very first traffic ticket, you may be eager to appear in court in order to dispute it and avoid paying the fees involved. This can be a wise decision, particularly if you're facing points on your license. However, if you do want to go to court and make a case for yourself, it's important to be prepared. That means that you need to have some idea of what the court will ask you to prove before the judge dismisses your case.
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If you were recently arrested and accused of robbing a local store, and you were nowhere near this location at the time a theft had occurred, it will be necessary to plead your case in front of a judge and jury to prove your innocence. Your attorney will work hard in your behalf to show you were not the person who had not committed this crime. There are however, some steps you can take to assist them with this endeavor.
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How accurate were the tests done in your drug case? More and more defendants—both past and present—are questioning what goes on in police drug labs around the country. If you have a pending drug case, this is something you should know.
New Jersey Changes Its Standards
New Jersey's crime labs have made a change in the way drug testing is done in the wake of a scandal in which lab tech fabricated a positive result in a marijuana case—casting doubt on as many as 14,800 other convictions in which that lab tech was involved.
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If you are pulled over or approached by the police in regards to a criminal matter, you need to know how to talk to the police in order to protect yourself and your interests. Here are three things you should know and keep in mind when talking to the police in these cases.
#1 Always Give Your Legal Name
When the police ask you for your name, do not give the police your nick-name.
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